As I walk thru this journey, taking in all these life experiences. I'm finding myself in unknown territory chasing a spark. The closer i get, the brighter it becomes until I reach my Silver-Lining which will be my destiny to come! Welcome to you all thru the eyes of Bea-Ling!!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Logic or Emotions!!!!

I 've been thinking alot lately about my future as I come closer to 30. For some reason I feel an unbearable urgency to find change for the better. As I continously learn from my experiences, I find a sense of compassion for people. I've learned to forgive much more easier, because I have more understanding. Now I am having a hard time with the overstanding when it comes down to it all, is it Logic or Emotions? Like when a person says " I love you more than anyone", but finds a way still to intentionally dismantle everything that your love stood for! Are we suppose to logically dismiss it as it just wasn't meant to be or in my Ex famous words "We just needed a break, cause we keep fighting"! Are you suppose to put all those bottled up emotions to the side and say you know I have some Fault too! Not for me I'm a person who loves deep and when I say it I mean it. I don't reason well with logic cause God made me a woman too bear all things, so yes i run far with emotions. I been in love with one male and gave him my all and in return he shattered my heart and empty my soul. So now here I am, finally I overstand that you need logic and emotions in order to maintain a healthy balance. I've learned logically it's the right thing to give out you heart cause its where your real love is, but for your own emotional well- being, keep your soul that's something you share with God, and only when he is ready he'll let you share it with your soul- mate. That's why he gave us it in the first place. Be Blessed!

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